3SG is an independent membership network supporting the charity, social enterprise, faith and voluntary sector operating in Bath and North East Somerset (B&NES). The aim of our Bath based charity is to raise the profile of our members, and partner companies they work within, provide 1-1 support and give them a chance to influence local strategic decision making.
You can contact our small team here.
We are not aligned to any political party or campaign group.
We run and promote relevant charity events, training and disseminate information and charity job opportunities. We also promote charitable activities and facilitate co-operation between community organisations and statutory bodies in B&NES such as the Council, HCRG, ICB and the B&NES Community Volunteer Service. In December 2018 we became a registered charity and a founding member of the West Of England Civil Society Partnership.
In 2020 we launched the Compassionate Community Movement which is a broad initiative that brings together people in Bath and North East Somerset to support each other. In April 2020 we launched our Emergency Volunteer Response service supporting thousands of people with urgent food and medication. The movement has also ran a successful Compassion at Christmas campaign every December since 2020.
Sign up for our newsletter to get weekly updates on news, events, jobs and more across Bath and North East Somerset.
What Do We Do
We surveyed our members last year and asked them for the top 5 challenges they face. The results below highlight some of the challenges 3rd sector organisations in Bath and North East Somerset are currently facing and will be treated as priorities for 3SG in the years ahead:
Sourcing sufficient volunteers with the right skills
Coping with increasing demand on services
Finding long term sustainable funding
Managing change
Finding time to develop partnerships
These are the issues that drive us and we continue to solicit input from our members.
Community Driven Focus
3SG is a small but effective team - just five actual employees.
Our Employees
We are lucky to have experienced and enthusiastic Trustees who represent the views of the local 3rd sector and sit on strategic local boards and networks. All of our Trustees are involved with at least one of our member organisations, which you can view by hovering over their profiles below.
Our Trustees
3SG is an independent charity, therefore it is vital that we receive funding in order for us to continue to support the local 3rd sector. We are extremely grateful to the foundations (pictured below) who continue to fund our work.