Cost of Living Support for Organisations
Cost of Living Resources
Select at least one of the following categories to filter the resource list (select several if you like):
A selection of free resources to provide you with the ideas, strategies and tools you need to help you, your teams and your communities work through the cost of living crisis together.
Charity Finance Group (CFG)
Charity Finance Cost of living hub
CAF have gathered a wide range of experts to provide resources ranging from governance and planning to attracting new funding
Charities Aid Foundation (CAF)
Charity Hub: Cost of Living Tools, guidance and inspiration for your charity

This page brings together relevant research, guidance and advice to help you keep generating income whilst providing a great supporter experience.
Chartered Institute of Fundraising
Chartered Institute of Fundraising Cost of Living Page

The resources in this hub have been designed to help you protect, save, or manage a community space or community asset in your local area.
Community assets and ownership

Support for organisations with finance, energy, assets, HR, legal advice, food provision, and information on help for individuals.
Cost of Living Support
Links to reports, surveys and important data to support civil society leaders to better understand the impact of the crisis on their organisations, stakeholders and the sector at large.
Association of Chief Executive of Voluntary Organisations (ACEVO)
Cost of Living hub for civil society leaders

Our help and guidance can help you work efficiently and effectively. It's all in one place and covers a range of topics.
Cost of living Help & Guidance

Free energy audit as well as other services available to NCVO members.
utility aid
Energy Broker who specialise in sourcing energy for the UK’s voluntary sector.

Find out about some of the areas organisations should consider when managing financial difficulties and insolvency.
Financial difficulty and insolvency

Tools, advice, examples and webinars to help your organisation and community navigate the energy crisis.
centre for sustainable energy
Free resources to help organisations with rising energy costs

We look at how charities are meeting the needs of their service users, employees and volunteers, and society as a whole
Charity Digital
How charities are responding to the cost-of-living crisis

A free tool to measure your carbon footprint and identify potential cost and carbon savings
How to reduce your organisation's carbon footprint

This NCVO webinar explores how best to support and retain staff while resources are limited.
How to support and retain your staff through the cost of living crisis

This NCVO webinar shares top tips on financial management through the cost of living crisis and signposts to practical tools and guidance that can help.
Managing your charity's finances through the cost of living crisis

Grant to support local organisations with charitable aims to adapt so they can survive and thrive through challenges and opportunities.
Quartet Community Foundation
Resilience Grant Programme

You can ask us any question about the setting up or running of your charity or voluntary organisation and NCVO's friendly support team can offer help, guidance and signposting
Small charity helpdesk

A free Warm Hubs Toolkit which provides guidance on how to set up and run a Warm Hub scheme.
Warm Hubs
Warm Hubs toolkit and guidance

Connects business and people with local voluntary and community groups to share their skills, professional advice and services
Quartet Community Foundation
West of England Pro bono service
We have collated a range of resources to support Bath and North East Somerset (BaNES) charities, community groups and social enterprises during the cost of living crisis. These range from guides, toolkits, webinars, funding available and much more!
If you spot any resources missing from this list, please email contact@3sg.org.uk.
If you are an individual, please visit our "Support for Individuals" page.
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