Local Support for Individuals
Resources & Directories
Select at least one of the following categories to filter the resource list (select several if you like):

Offering immediate practical help with food, clothing and furniture, as well as long-term opportunities, training and work experience.
Genesis Trust
Genesis Projects

Twenty-four Warm Spaces across Bath & North East Somerset are now open and welcoming residents through their doors.
B&NES Council
Warm Spaces in B&NES Directory

The national fuel poverty charity offers advice, support and helpful resources to fuel poor households
National Energy Action
Fuel Poverty and Warm Homes Advice and Support Charity

This website brings together a directory of skills provisions and skills related events within the West of England Combined Authority area.
West of England Combined authority
Skills Connect

Worrying about money? Support is available in Bath and North East Somerset. Three steps to find options and places to get help.
Food Aid Network
Worrying About Money? Digital Leaflet

A directory containing a wide range of local and national services available to people living in BaNES. Whether you are struggling with mental ill health yourself, or have a friend or family member who needs support, you can use the directory to find suitable services.
Bath Mind
Support Directory

The guide contains a variety of signposting information, aimed at empowering local residents by being better informed about local mental health and wellbeing opportunities, groups and services.
St Mungo's
Hope Guide

This is your one stop shop for free community courses across BaNES! Courses available online and face to face for residents over the age of 16.
HCRG Care Group
Wellbeing Courses

A central place for information, support and signposting. The community directories are aimed at Adults, Children and Families living in BaNES.
B&NES Council
Live Well B&NES

A list highlighting food clubs and pantries available in BaNES provided by organisations offering affordable food or emergency food parcels for those who meet the qualifying criteria.
BaNES Food Finder
BaNES Food Finder

The Community Wellbeing Hub provides a central place for you to access a range of services to improve your health and wellbeing. The Community Wellbeing Hub Triage Team are available to take your call from: Monday to Friday 9am until 5pm.
HCRG Care Group
Community Wellbeing Hub
Looking for where to find local support for individuals? We have compiled a list of support directories and resources that are freely available to Bath and North East Somerset (BaNES) residents, including specific support available for the Cost of Living Crisis.
If you spot any resources missing from this list, please email contact@3sg.org.uk.
If you are an individual, please visit our Cost of Living Page for the BaNES community.