Share and Repair has had a really positive few years and now has an ambitious strategy to expand our reach and develop the services we offer. To deliver this growth, we are seeking a passionate, ambitious and experienced person to join us in a new role as full-time Operations Director. It is essential to have a Director who can take a strategic view, is a self starter, flexible and is happy to be ‘hands on’ when needed.
About Share and Repair:
Share and Repair is a small but dynamic Charity Incorporated Organisation (CIO) which aims to change mindsets and behaviour through the promotion of sharing and repairing to reduce carbon emissions and build cohesive communities. We currently run four main activities: Repair Cafes (‘Mend it, don’t end it’); a Library of Things (‘Borrow don’t buy’); HOW TO Workshops to empower individuals (‘Do more yourself’) and HomeKit. All activities have a positive environmental impact and we are passionate about reducing spending, and landfill. We aim to provide services for all age groups and local communities. We have a small number of part-time paid staff and a large group of enthusiastic volunteers.
We started in 2017 with Repair Cafes as a Community Organisation. We recently opened The Share and Repair Shop in central Bath, its main purpose being home for our Library of Things but we also run regular repair sessions there and provide information on all our services. The HOW TO Workshops (HTW), currently include HOW TO use a sewing machine, HOW TO use power and hand tools and HOW TO maintain a bike and often run alongside one of our Repair Cafés. HomeKit supports new households with ‘starter’ small electrical household equipment. These events and activities build skills and help to generate cohesive communities, as well as the reduction of manufacturing, waste to landfill, and spending.
This is an exciting opportunity for someone to use their skills and experience to make a difference locally and nationally to the community.
Job Description – Operations Director
This is a new role and big step for the organisation. The primary responsibility of the Operations Director will be to ensure that the systems, HR policies, processes and support are in place and implemented to deliver, maintain and build sustainable organisational growth.
You will be responsible for the following areas:
Implementation of our 3 year Strategy including detailed annual planning
Shaping, implementing and strengthening the charity’s policies, processes, management and infrastructure to support its continued growth and impact
Finance – management and accounts, and budget generation
Fundraising and other income generating activities
Overseeing the operation of our Library of Things, Repair Cafes and other projects
People management and development, including resource planning
Premises and facilities management
Marketing and communications - internally and externally
Project oversight and development
You will lead or be responsible for delivering the following activities:
Lead the management and growth of our activities including the Library of Things, Repair Cafes, Home Kit and HOW TO Workshops and other projects in line with our vision and strategy.
Effective budget planning and control covering all income and expenditure.
Human Resource Management
The management and effective deployment of two part-time General Managers, 150+ volunteers, other freelance staff and interns.
Implement HR processes covering performance management and appraisal.
Forward resource planning in line with our strategy
Marketing, Social Media, Public Relations and Communications
Oversee the promotion of our activities across all media channels
Lead the social media & publicity team.
Ensure that internal communication, particularly to our volunteers is regular, relevant and effective to develop their engagement
Ensure that the charity’s work and its Vision are consistently presented in strong, positive images to all relevant stakeholders, including potential funders.
Alongside the Trustees and volunteers to lead the fundraising to deliver our three year strategy by:
identifying funding sources,
establishing strategies to approach funders,
submitting proposals and administering fundraising records and documentation.
Work alongside volunteers and staff to create effective project proposals and budgets
Advocacy, Partnership & Business Development
Develop support for Share and Repair along with progressing and maintaining senior level contacts; develop partnerships with supporters and donors.
Represent the charity in a networking capacity, seeking out and investing in beneficial partnerships with other environmental organisations - charities, local authorities and schools.
Please click to download full job description and person specification.
or visit our website
Operations Director
32,000-37,500 depending on experience
Full-time position, 37.5 hours per week. This includes some evenings and weekends
Contract Type:
Full time fixed term (12 months)
Based in our Shop in central Bath and remote working. There will be some local travel in support of our Workshops and Repair Cafes and other objectives.
Close Date:
Thursday, 20 January 2022
Email Contact: