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All Cycle Bath & West

All Cycle Bath & West

Brief Description of Organisation

We are an inclusive cycling charity based at the Odd Down Sports Ground, with our fantastic range of bikes and trikes we are committed to removing the barriers that may prevent people from taking part in typical cycling opportunities.

Full Description of Organisation

All Cycle Bath & West (ACB&W) is a new CIO and previously known as Wheels for All Bath & West, was part of the national charity Cycling Projects since June 2016. After consultation it was decided the organisation would be more beneficial to the local community by being independent from the national charity. Our new charity is based at the Odd Down Sports Ground Bath and uses the traffic free cycle circuit there. We have an extensive range of special bikes; trikes; hand-cycles and tandems. These bikes bring fun; freedom and the fresh air of cycling to those who find it difficult to take part in typical cycling activities. We run a regular programme of inclusive cycling sessions for anyone with sensory and or physical impairments; additional and or learning needs


Our service can be accessed from the age of 3 upwards; bringing together a diverse group of people; supporting families; older people, creating inter-generational relationships and respect for everyone who have challenges in their daily life. Some of our service users have developed into volunteers which is an example of people feeling safe and valued in this environment. Additionally some volunteers have gained skills which have help them into paid work. Our service is supportive and non judgemental; encouraging users to reach their potential at a level appropriate to them. 

For example - a stroke survivor can access exercise which extends them physically and mentally and increases self-esteem and independence. Anecdotally the service helps reduce dependency on statutory services.


All Cycle Bath & West, 

Charity registration 1200391

For details of open sessions visit: 

Visit us on: Instagram ACBW   Facebook: ACBW


All Cycle Bath & West

Brief Description of Organisation

We are an inclusive cycling charity based at the Odd Down Sports Ground, with our fantastic range of bikes and trikes we are committed to removing the barriers that may prevent people from taking part in typical cycling opportunities.

All Cycle Bath & West
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