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Gardening Together C.I.C.

Gardening Together C.I.C.

Brief Description of Organisation

Our mission is to strengthen communities by gardening in shared gardens.
Creating relationships between people who want a space to grow and those who have garden space to share.

Full Description of Organisation

We are based in Frome but our membership platform services the whole of the UK.


We connect agreeable, friendly people to garden together in a shared garden. People who want to share the act of growing in a shared garden. We want to reduce the allotment waiting lists by connecting, supporting and educating new and seasoned gardeners everywhere. We focus our support on older garden owners that need help and are lonely with people who do not have access to land to grow their own food to reduce their cost of living, but we encourage any type of growing and connections that reduce loneliness and increase health and well-being.


The difference that our project will make is that it will help to foster a sense of community and connection among individuals who share a common interest in gardening. By bringing people together and providing them with access to green spaces, we hope to reduce social isolation and improve mental and physical well-being. Additionally, our focus on growing local food and sharing excess with local neighbours and food banks will help to increase food resilience and promote a low carbon footprint.

The beneficiaries of our project will be individuals of all ages and backgrounds who are interested in gardening and want to connect with others who share their passion. Specifically, we aim to invigorate and energise older adults while reducing the likelihood of depression and loneliness.

We plan to run our project for an indefinite period of time, with the goal of establishing a sustainable and long-term community of gardeners who can continue to support one another and promote the benefits of gardening in their local communities.

To ensure that people know about our project, we plan to utilise a variety of outreach methods, including social media, local community events, and word-of-mouth referrals. We will also partner with local organisations, such as food banks and community centres, to expand our reach and connect with individuals who may not have access to traditional gardening resources.

To learn from our project and shape future projects, we plan to regularly evaluate and assess our impact through surveys, focus groups, and other feedback mechanisms. We will use this learning to improve our project and expand our reach, with the ultimate goal of promoting the benefits of gardening and building stronger, more connected communities.

Gardening Together C.I.C.

Brief Description of Organisation

Our mission is to strengthen communities by gardening in shared gardens.
Creating relationships between people who want a space to grow and those who have garden space to share.

Gardening Together C.I.C.
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