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Become a Member of 3SG

Payment Due


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Are you the key contact in your organisation, if we need to get in touch

Key Contact

About You


File Uploads (Can be added later)

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Must be a SQUARE logo image - if you don't have a logo, leave this blank.
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Can be sent later if necessary

To establish your organisation as a member of 3SG BANES, you must complete the form below...but it shouldn't take long. Your organisation's membership fee is calculated based upon your annual income - you can see our reasonable rates in the table on the right. Payment of the calculated amount is taken care of on the next page where you can pay by card or we can invoice you.

*The 3rd Sector consists of voluntary and community organisations such as registered charities, associations, self-help groups, community groups and social enterprises.

If your organisation operates in Bath and North East Somerset (BaNES), has a registered bank account and is in the 3rd Sector*, then you're eligible to apply to become a 3SG Member (view list of members here). If you're not registered with companies house or the charity commission, then we'll need a copy of your constitution for verification.

Once we receive your application, we'll get back to you quickly to resolve any open questions and, at that point, then you, other staff and volunteers will be able to create a profile for access to the site by clicking 'member login' in the top right of the website and click 'Register'.


3SG Fee

Fuller description of your organisation - can use basic text formatting & add links. This is required, so your profile displays on our site accurately.

Your info is being uploaded to 3SG.

Please wait...this won't take long.

Upload Started

Payment Options

Data Upload Complete

Pay Now with Credit Card
Submit Details, Pay Later

3SG prefers online credit card payments but, where necessary, we can invoice you instead.

Payment Success

Thanks - Your Payment is Complete.


Please give us a little time to look over your application, we'll be in touch shortly. In the meantime, we've sent you an email summarizing this transaction.

Payment Pending

Payment Is Pending


This transaction is pending with your financial transaction (often when using PayPal) but usually completes very quickly.

Please give us a little time to look over your application, we'll be in touch shortly. In the meantime, we've sent you an email summarizing this transaction.

Application Complete

Your Application is Complete.


Please give us a little time to look over your details, we'll be in touch shortly. In the meantime, we've sent you an email summarizing this transaction.

We Will Be In Touch Shortly

Your Application Is Complete

Please give us a little time to look over your application, we will be in touch shortly. In the meantime, we've sent you an email summarizing this transaction.

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