The Integrated Care Board has released the Draft Implementation Plan for the Integrated Care Strategy, which is being shared for comment. Please note that this is only a draft, but there is a very tight turnaround for thoughts - the ICB would like feedback by Monday, 5th June. Please see below for more information, but comments can be sent to: scwcsu.systemplanninggroupbsw@nhs.net
The Draft Implementation Plan sets out how the Integrated Care Strategy will be delivered, with the plan refreshed annually. There are two documents - the whole draft, viewable here - plus we've separated the section for BaNES, which you can view here (Swindon and Wiltshire included in the full version). The full draft does, however, help with scene setting. It also helpfully sets out the structure of the Integrated Care Alliance, the Alliance Delivery Operational Group and the Health & Wellbeing Board.
There are four priority work areas and themes of the BaNES Integrated Care Alliance:
1. Workforce (culture and people)
2. Improving health and reducing inequalities
3. Design and implementation of Integrated Neighbourhood Teams
4. Redesigning community services
Finally, we'll be hosting our quarterly Integrated Care update on Tuesday, 13th June from 9.30-11.30 am at the Apex Hotel, Bath, where you can hear more about the above. Place Director Laura Ambler will be joining us, as well as Sarah Heathcote, the new Health Inequalities Manager for BaNES Public Health. We will also be hearing from Janine Woodward-Grant on digital workstream and Nicola Hazle, BaNES' Health and Care Professional Director. If you haven't signed up for this event but would like to attend, please do so here.