Headway Bath and District is a local charity with over 20 years’ experience of providing specialist relief, rehabilitation and support to adults who have suffered an acquired brain injury (through accident or injury). They also support carers and family members including advocacy, signposting and emotional support.
As part of Action for Brain Injury week, Headway Bath and District will be premiering a short video they’ve put together, hearing from service users themselves about their experiences of isolation after brain injury and reflections on the last year of COVID-19 lockdowns.
They’ll also be hosting a cake sale and awareness-raising event at the Percy Community Centre in Bath, on Friday 21st May. If you’re interested in finding out more about what they do, about brain injury, and want to show your support please feel free to drop by any time between 10am and 12noon.
You can also visit their Instagram and Twitter pages @HeadwayBath for more info on the above!
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About Headway Bath and District
Headway Bath’s services have grown and developed over the years and they currently provide a combination of practical support work, and social and cognitive rehabilitation for people across BANES and Wiltshire. This includes a day centre with a variety of tailored activities, social groups, online groups, and one-to-one outreach - in people’s homes and out in the community. They actively engage their clients in developing personalised and tailored support plans, through a person-centred, rehabilitative, and outcomes-based approach.
Carla Snell who recently joined as Operations Manager says:
“Although we are a small charity, we have big ambitions! We want to raise awareness and promote more of an understanding around the impact of brain injury, not just on the survivor themselves, but also on their family members and carers. We want to develop our services further so we can support more people straight after discharge from hospital and rehab units, and we want to work in partnership with more agencies and third sector organisations to collectively provide the best support we can.”
Anyone can refer to their service, although the large majority come via adult social care, community neuro and stroke teams, and other health and social care professionals.
If you are interested in finding out more or want to make a referral, please call on 07985 412 133 or email: info@headwaybath.org.uk
A few facts and stats!
Acquired brain injury (ABI) is an umbrella term for any injury to the brain sustained since birth.
The most common forms of ABI are traumatic brain injury (TBI) and stroke. Other causes include brain tumour, meningitis, aneurysm, haemorrhage, encephalitis, anoxia, and other conditions.
The most common causes of a traumatic brain injury are:
Road traffic accidents (50%)
Domestic and industrial falls (20-25%)
Sports and recreational injuries (10-15%)
Assaults (10%)
Every 90 seconds someone is admitted to hospital with an ABI in the UK.
Men are 1.5 times more likely than women to be admitted for a head injury