In 2015, Stand Against Racism & Inequality (SARI) launched 'Every Victim Matters', a programme that provides a free, specialist casework service for victims of all types of hate crime across BaNES, North Somerset and Somerset. Whether that hate crime is based on race, faith, disability, sexual orientation, gender reassignment, age or sex.
SARI also work to build greater understanding and respect for diversity and difference within communities.
As part of 'Every Victim Matters', SARI's Outreach Workers are recruiting and training up a network of local residents and agency workers to become allies. They are also building strong relationships with Diversity Trust and Swan Advocacy to help SARI deliver training, education and empowerment sessions – and reach out to even more LGBTQ+ and disabled people who face hate crime.
Anti-Hate Allies will be people who are already connected in their local community, people who are passionate and committed community workers, agency practitioners and members of community-based groups, and who would like to become more active in the fight against inequality. Whether it’s talking to a neighbour, a friend, or a colleague, watching a documentary, giving out leaflets, there are many ways an ally can help raise awareness.
Sign up to be an Ally by filling out the application form.
Get in touch with Natalia to receive an application form: Natalia Aplin Hernandez: Tel: 07944888226