Association of Mental Health Providers launched the second round of a small grants fund on Monday 26 July. This fund will be used to provide grants of up to £5,000 to support the sustainability of mental health voluntary, community and social enterprise provider organisations, with a turnover of £0-250k.
VCSE mental health organisations have a vital role in working in the community providing support to anyone who has a mental health need but continues to face many challenges in delivering services during COVID-19, intensified by the lockdowns and varying tier systems. It is vital that service providers working in the community are supported to enable them to continue delivering essential, life-saving services to people who need it most so it can be effective and sustainable during and after the pandemic.
As such, they are looking at funding costs that can positively impact the sustainability of an organisation – specifically those that are supporting the mental health and wellbeing of communities disproportionately impacted by Covid-19; with a focus on organisations that are led by and/or are supporting Black, Asian, Minority Ethnic communities. They will also be considering applications from organisations supporting other disadvantaged groups such as the homeless community, those in contact with the criminal justice system, children and young people, women and girls, victims of domestic violence etc.
You can read more here in the documents linked.
Organisations will need to complete their online application form by midday on Friday 13 August 2021
Please do share this with your wider networks to ensure the organisations needing support at this time are able to apply.