B&NES Council are proud to announce the launch of a brand-new web-based resource providing information, signposting and support to adults needing care or support to live independently. Live Well B&NES adults (which replaces Wellbeing Options) is now live!
The resource is brand new, with information, services and groups being added all the time. If you work with, support, provide services or run groups for adults needing care or support (including older people, adults with physical disabilities and/or sensory impairments, people recovering from mental ill-health), and haven’t already registered - make sure you’re included! It’s free and takes five minutes to register
A calendar of activities, groups and events is being developed and will be available shortly: watch this space.
Coming soon!
The new SEND Local Offer (Rainbow Resource), providing a wealth of targeted information, support, and resources for families with a child or young person with additional needs
The new family information resource, providing all the information a family in B&NES needs, including all local Ofsted registered childcare
If you’d like to know more, have any questions about Live Well B&NES adults or would like to be involved in the review of the new SEND Local Offer or family information parts of Live Well B&NES; the Live Well B&NES team would love to hear from you.