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Writer's pictureMiles Lloyd

Nominations open for B&NES Community Awards 2022

B&NES Community Awards 2022 logo - star shaped

Nominations have opened for people to champion individuals, businesses or organisations who deserve recognition for their positive contribution to Bath and North East Somerset.

Bath & North East Somerset Council has launched its 2022 Community Awards and is encouraging residents to start nominating.

This year there are seven categories and the winners will be invited to a special event hosted by the Chair of the Council, Councillor Shaun Stephenson-McGall, where a tree will be planted at a special ceremony this autumn in recognition of their achievements.

Nominations are now open in the following categories:

The Peter Duppa-Miller Award - named in honour of Peter Duppa Miller who sadly passed away in 2015. Peter was an extremely committed person who dedicated much of his life to serving his community and was an advocate for the rural communities and parishes across the area. This year we are recognising parish and town councillors who go above and beyond to support their community. The Awards will recognise a Parish Councillor and Town Councillor and the contribution made by councillors in their local communities.

Category 2 - The Beryl Dixon Community Leader of the Year - recognising a paid employee or volunteer of a charity who has shown outstanding leadership. This Award has been named in honour of Beryl Dixon MBE, who sadly passed away in 2017. Beryl was an advocate for the Black and Minority Ethnic (BME) Communities and promoted equality in all the groups and services she championed. She laid the foundation for BME groups in Bath and across the South West.

Category 3 - Charity of the Year - this award will recognise an organisation with charitable purposes that supports residents and the community of Bath and North East Somerset.

Category 4 - Volunteer and Young Volunteer of the Year - these awards recognise volunteers who have shown the most outstanding contribution to the community.

Category 5 - Volunteer Team and Young Volunteer Team of the Year - these awards will recognise a volunteer team which has made an outstanding positive contribution to the community.

Category 6 - Carer and Young Carer of the Year - recognising an individual or couple, including special guardians, who have supported or cared for a family member or friend. This is an opportunity to highlight and reward individuals who support and care for children and adults every day across Bath and North East Somerset and go the extra mile.

Category 7 - Green Business Leader of the Year - this award will recognise a business that has shown leadership in helping to tackling the climate emergency and has contributed to our aim of achieving carbon neutrality across Bath and North East Somerset by 2030 and supported their customers to lead lower carbon lives.

You can nominate by using this online form link or downloading the word document from their website.

If you need assistance with your application, please contact Mark Hayward 01225 396975

The closing date for nominations is 5pm, Thursday 29 September 2022 with the award ceremony planned for early November.

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