If you are feeling bored or isolated during this period of Lockdown, Timebank Plus may be able to help.
They've set up a number of weekly online groups you can join by video link, using Zoom on your phone, tablet or computer.
Let us know which you are interested in and they'll send you the Zoom invite link.
Please get in touch if you need help with downloading Zoom or other internet issues - their volunteers may be able to help talk you through it - at a convenient time for you both.
Monday 2 - 3pm Internet Cafe
Techie volunteers will be on hand by video link to help with your online issues and with downloading and using apps on your phone or laptop.
Tuesday 2 -3pm Time Bank Social Cafe
A chance to chat and catch up through video link with other Time Bank members. They may also include a short quiz.
Wednesday 2 - 3pm Knit & Natter
This is an opportunity to meet up on video link with our knitting or crochet and a cup of tea in a friendly, supportive group. Expert volunteers will be on hand to give advice and tips on knitting and crochet issues and we'll also try and find useful Youtube clips for people needing help. People are welcome to turn up for a chat even if they don't have knitting needles and wool to hand. Thursday 11 - 12pm Gardening & Food Growing
Now is the perfect time to get out in the garden or on your allotment and start growing. Our gardening guru will be sharing her expertise to give you tips and advice on gardening and food growing via an online video linked group. Starter kits with some veggie seeds may also be available.
Thursday 2 - 3pm Creative Writing
This is an opportunity to join the Time Bank Creative Writing Group by video link, get inspiration and share your writings on an online forum with a small supportive group. All levels and abilities are welcome.
Friday 2 -3pm Games Group
We will be playing simple word games like Boggle,doing crosswords together or having a go at some quiz games via on online video link.
Best wishes & keep well from all at Timebank Plus.