Practical training to help adapt your services and know what to do next with digital. Designed modularly so you can choose how much time to commit. All free for nonprofits in England working with communities affected by Covid-19.
See courses on offer below:
Developing a cyber resilient organisation - this course helps you review, adapt and optimise your cyber security plan for how to handle a cyber security incident
Digital safeguarding for your services - a series of webinars to provide an introduction to digital safeguarding and a step by step guide to implementing digital safeguarding
Digital Product Management - support to develop a clear plan for a new digital product or service
Prototyping workshops - practical support to develop prototyping skills within your organisation
Managing your data in a pandemic - a health check to support organisations to understand how to protect data when working remotely
Building strong relational skills to sustain organisational change - workshops to support teams to strengthen their relationships and ways of working to achieve sustainable change
One to one mentoring - access expert advice for your burning questions about tech