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Writer's pictureMiles Lloyd

Take Action with the Carers’ Centre this Young Carers Action Day

16th March is Young Carers Action Day and The Carers’ Centre are inviting 3SG members to join them and take action for young people who are looking after their siblings, parents and other family members. Young carers supported by The Carers’ Centre often speak of how vital it can be for them to feel recognised, heard and connected to others. Listening to their experiences, the Centre has released a short video detailing the 3 key tips young carers want those working with children and young people to hear. We would encourage all members of 3SG to watch and share this video so that we can start to get young carers the support they deserve.

Caring is a lot for young people take on and can mean they miss out on the things that most kids do like seeing friends and regularly going to school.

National research out today shows an alarming lack of support, coupled with a dramatic rise in time spent caring, is leaving thousands of young carers feeling ‘lonely’, ‘exhausted’, ‘worried’, ‘burned out’ and ‘stressed’.

Key findings from the Carers Trust survey*, show:

  • More than half (53%) of young carers and young adult carers said the amount of time they spend caring per week had increased in the past year

  • At least a third of respondents said their caring role resulted in them either ‘always’ or ‘usually’ feeling ‘worried’ (36%), ‘lonely’ (33%) or ‘stressed’ (42%)

  • The pandemic continues to negatively impact the lives of young carers and young adult carers. 59% said they felt more stressed and 47% reported they felt less connected to others as a result of the pandemic

Becca, a young carer in Bath and North East Somerset, said: “Loneliness for a young carer is thinking you are the only one like you and none of your friends will understand. You feel like you’re trapped in a box.”

Please watch our video and share the tips included so we can get young carers the support they need this #YCAD2022.

*Link to full Carers Trust Survey can be found here

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