You may recall the release of the Bath and North East Somerset Strategic Evidence Base back in the Summer, which told the story of Bath and North East Somerset through its data.
BaNES Council are now pleased to release a re-published version with additional findings and updated content, which may be of great use to those making funding applications.
The data is designed to be used to support decision making and strategic planning across the area. It is an evolving document and presents the Council's best understanding at the current point in time. It is therefore a useful resource to those curating funding application's for their organisations, who can utilise this information to support and strengthen their applications.
The resource provides detailed insight into areas such as population, health, inequality, growth, emissions and housing. In the republished update, the following changes have been incorporated:
New content:
Census 2021 data: Households, Population Characteristics including: Ethnicity, Language, Religion, Disability, General Health, Unpaid Care, Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity
Education: content updated and expanded to include the most recent published data for each education stage as well as provide greater detail on attainment and exclusions by pupil characteristics
Ecological Emergency: new section added covering Nature Recovery Targets and the State of Nature in B&NES
Updated content - the following slides have been updated to include the most recent data available:
Life Expectancy & Healthy Life Expectancy
Climate Emergency
Smoking Prevalence in CYP and Adults
Alcohol use in CYP
Drug Misuse in CYP
Severe Mental Illness
Childhood Weight (NCMP)
To view the republished summary and republished full report, please click here.